Expect Great Things!

January 6, 2009

“Expect Great Things” is my new mantra for 2009. It was on a soup mug I received for Christmas. It’s such a simple statement, but think of the impact. Dream big, aim high, what do you have to lose? If you don’t take that first step and try, you can’t accomplish. Right?

I’ve always been driven, but I’m throwing myself in with extra gusto because great things are coming. Another finished ms, more submissions, and maybe 2009 will be the year for me to catch someone’s attention and get that contract or two or three …

The Holidays are now behind us and after eighteen days off, the first real vacation in quite some time, I’m back at the keyboard. So, I enter 2009 with the following focuses: Love (family & friends), health, happiness, and seeing my books in print! Where are you journeying to this year?


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