Just last year…

March 13, 2018

Is it possible that our mini-Guam Hawaiian vacation was one year ago?

Yes. Facebook reminded me of that this past week. Several pictures of the family and friends who came together to build fresh memories popped up on my page. Fun times that we stored in our hearts’ journals and photo albums. Memories for us to pull up and share again in the future.

Many of those wonderful tidbits are making their way into my pending manuscripts and will continue to blossom in characters’ emotions, mannerisms, and dialogues. It’s funny that so many pieces and parts of memories can come together to form a unique character or scene. To become the puzzle pieces of fresh work. And odd, too, that Facebook had to remind me of that. Do you think the Universe is telling me to focus? To get the three pending projects finished? I have no doubt.

I’m currently reading a book by David Lynch – Catching The Big Fish – a book about Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity. He’s been practicing Transcendental Meditation for over thirty years and he feels it has been central to his work in films, painting, and all areas of his life. I’m ready to embrace that too.

My husband started TM last year and I’ve seen a change in his view of the world, the calmness that seems to settle around him. So, I signed up to begin this weekend. To see if it can help me get back on track. I go for my first instructional class this Saturday and I’m hoping it will reopen my channels to create great stories. I’m ready.

I’ll let you know in a month or so how it’s working.
Until then, Hugs.

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