Happy Birthday Sting!

October 3, 2011

I haven’t posted lately, because I’ve been hard at work on my Novella, but this weekend, John & I went to NY to attend Sting’s 60th birthday concert. Imagine walking into the Beacon Theater, getting a glass of champagne, and sitting in the 2nd row, just above the center floor.

Sting opened the show with “Englishman in New York” – appropriate as he has a home in NY, though the song was written for a different englishman in NY. With Sting were Dominic Miller, Christian McBride, his regular drummer – forgive me, I can’t remember his name – and his back up singers. Behind them a string ensemble, but that’s not all.

Robert Downey Jr, Stevie Wonder, Herbie Handcock, Chris Botti, Billy Joel, Mary J Blige, Bruce Springstein, Lady Gaga, Joe Sumner (Sting’s oldest son), and a few others sang and celebrated for 4 hours.

They sang all of our favorite Sting songs – and we rocked along. It was the most amazing night – well, weekend! The flights to and from, walking the city & Central Park, the hotel, dinner at Landmark. Even the weather cooperated, it rained while we dined, and though we had to walk the wet streets, not a drop of rain fell on us.

We’ve done some awesome things, but we both agreed this topped everything.

Happy Birthday Sting (Sunday) and thanks for the party!


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