RWA National Conference – #RWA14

July 29, 2014
I just got back from the RWA (Romance Writers of America) National Conference. There was such an abundance of incredible information, it took me a whole day (yesterday) to comb through my notes and make action lists of things to do. Workshop after workshop after workshop opened my eyes to new marketing tools and updated industry news. There were several good ones on craft, too. The one I especially liked was on “motivation” – I walked away with some concrete ideas to deepen my characters’ motivation throughout the story. Now, I have to go in and tweak a few chapters!

A strool along the River Walk

The conference was in San Antonio, TX at the Marriott Rivercenter, so my free time (what little of it there was) was spent walking the River Walk, checking out the local shops, and enjoying dinner with friends and fellow writers. I touched base with old friends, made new ones, and networked with several industry professionals. It was an exhausting yet exhilarating five days!

Now, I must finish Passion’s Spirit and … I have to update my website, revamp my newsletter, learn how to use Hootsuite for more effective communication. I need to visit my local libraries and book stores to plan for the launch of Passion’s Spirit. On top of all that, I must find time to exercise to stay fit and preserve my sanity.

Please feel free to share your thoughts on what should appear in my NEW Newsletter. What should be deleted? Would you like to see what books are available from my author friends? Would you like to read an excerpt from Passion’s Spirit? What other information is important to you? Comment on this post or send me your thoughts at

With a lengthy TO DO list before me, I must sign off now. Until next time, hugs – Christine

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