Julie Forget Schroeder
Yesterday was Julie’s birthday. She would have been 50!
Beautiful, intelligent, resilient. A wife, a mother, a friend.
She was brave, a warrior who took on a battle no one should have to face.
A daughter, a sister, family. She had an infectious, joyous personality, and in the hardest times, she just wanted you to make her laugh. Hence, #JokesForJulie became a thing. (We continue the tradition in hopes that she’s smiling down on us and laughing along!)
She didn’t want you to feel sorry for her and she lived life to the fullest. She traveled, spent time with family and friends, built memories for us all to embrace. She was an angel soul on earth and left us way too early. It’s been one year, six months, and twenty-one days, and the hole in my heart is still there. It always will be.
But we can celebrate the incredible person she was, the strength with which she faced every day. The joy she brought into our lives, the raw and pure friendship she shared with her whole heart. We can embrace those memories, hold that love in our hearts, then, now and always.
I know you are at peace, sweet Julie, but I want you to know you are missed by me and so many others each and everyday…
With love – Christine
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