OWFI Conference

May 5, 2009

Last year, Jo, a friend I met outside a workshop at a conference in Reno in 2005, invited me to attend a writer’s conference in Oklahoma City. OWFI turned out to be one of the best I’ve attended – spending time with a friend was awesome, too. I attended again this year, this past weekend.

The workshops were great, the speakers incredible, and the banquets grand. I was able to pitch to an agent who handles film, TV, books and life rights. One more opportunity to have someone read my work and hopefully fall in love with it. I met several well known published authors, and many passionate people like me who are persistent in reaching the goal of getting published. The energy generated followed me home to be translated into my current WIP, but something fascinating happened late Saturday night that confirmed my belief in Universal Energy and I just had to share.

After three jam-packed days of information, Jo and I sat in the bar unwinding with a glass of wine. A group gathered – all writers, of course, so it was no surprise that we began discussing our writing processes. Some plot, others simply write, but all of us agreed that sometimes things pop out in a story as if from nowhere. One such case for me was while I was writing PASSION’S RACE. CJ Fallon’s maternal grandmother morphed mid-story and I had a clear picture of her. Frances Crenshaw was a beautiful, ageless, statuesque red-head with deep green eyes. She was not planned, but she had a powerful message for CJ.

Suddenly, it dawned on me. Frances was Jo. I was staring at my friend who resembled my made-up character to a tee. Now, the bizarre part is I wrote PR the year prior to meeting Jo in Reno, so how could I have seen her so clearly? Hmm, makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Or does it? Was it a fluke that she and I met and became friends or was it meant to be? What do you think?

Mystical Connections have always fascinated me, which reminds me, I have a story to finish polishing … until next time, look around and see if you recognize any Mystical Connections in your life. Happy hunting — Christine. 


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